
Editing your book may be best left to a professional editor, especially if you have spent a lot of time on it and want to achieve a professional result for a wide audience. There are many freelance editors that can help you, we recommend contacting the Society of Editors, http://www.editorsnsw.com/

ISBN and CiP

The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) identifies your book to book isbnregistration and distribution systems, most bookstores will not stock books that do not have ISBN.

You can get an ISBN and the respective barcode online at the Thorpe Bowker
(Thorpe Bowker also publish the Books in Print database.)

Cataloguing-in-Publication (CIP) is used for library cataloguing. To be eligible for the service publications should be published in Australia; relevant to a wide audience with substantial textual information content and likely to be acquired and made available by Australian libraries. You can apply for a CiP at the Cataloguing-in-Publication Unit of the National Library of Australia in Canberra ACT 2600 or online at http://www.nla.gov.au/services/cip_form.html


“There is no government registration system for copyright protection in Australia. You do not need to publish your work, put a copyright notice on it, or to do anything else to be covered by copyright — the protection is free and automatic. There are no forms to fill in, and there are no fees to be paid. You do not have to lodge your work with a government agency or anwhere else.” – Visit the Copyright Agency for more information.

Please understand that we will not reproduce books for which you do not have copyright and we may ask for a proof of copyright.